Sunday, September 14, 2008

In his first, and perhaps most important decision of his potential Presidency, McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. Well, it wasn’t really like that. McCain only met her once briefly. Knowing that the VP is only a heartbeat away from the Presidency and knowing his 72 year old heart may not have all that many heartbeats left, he wanted candidates that could truly step in the job if necessary. His short list met that requirement. What it lacked though was pizzaz and like himself, did not appeal to the far right fringe of his party and the evangelical loonies, who were lost this election. That is until his advisors, after an extensive google search, chose Sarah Palin.

While the prospect of a McCain Presidency would be bad enough for America, a Palin Presidency would be even more horrific.

Let’s face it, America has had the worst leadership in its history. A government who was highly corrupted by special interests. A government whose primary goal was to fatten the wallets of war profiteers thorough unprecedented outsourcing. A President with a total lack of intellectual curiosity, who ignored briefs that could have prevented 9/11. A President who pillaged the treasury for the benefit of companies like Halliburton and Blackwater. A president who was the laughing stock on the world and who damaged our standing on the world stage.

The McCain campaign has co-opted the “Change” mantra as their own but how can we believe there will be change from these two folks so closely in sync with Bush. McCain voted with Bush over 90% of the time and Palin worships the ground he walks on, so the only change we can expect is that the very personal private choice that Sarah Palin had to have her downs child or not, would be deprived of others. For people who want government to get out of peoples lives, I can’t think of a more intrusive use of government than to tell women, they have no choice but to give birth to an unwanted child regardless of the circumstances. That is the change we can expect during a McCain Palin administration.

Sarah Palin is mostly MIA when it comes to any kind of interviews with the press. We must get to know her on our own. Please read each of the items on the link. Everything is true, nothing out of context. Then decide with we can afford to have this woman a heartbeat away from the oldest President in our history.

A careful perusal of these undisputed facts will demonstrate that the hockey mom cum VP candidate is vindictive, is a liar and is not an America First candidate (she and her husband support the efforts of the AIP to secede from the Union. Lincoln is spinning

No matter what I have written, the NYT editors said it best